An emotionally moving, award-winning documentary about how two non-profits in Brazil that use the pedagogy of affection to help street kids and women break the vicious cycle of domestic violence.
The groups empower individuals, teach them their rights and give them the safe space to realize they are not alone.
Through a powerful combination of working with both the mind and body in group therapy sessions – healing begins.
Awards include Best Documentary for Human Rights in Rome and Best Short for Children’s Advocacy at the Artivist Film Festival.

Also purchase or rent the film via Vimeo and support the filmmaker!
Includes: SPECIAL FEATURES, Trailer, Subtitles: English, Spanish, French and German
Perfect for: Women’s Studies, International Studies, Religious Studies & Psychology *Honored by Video Librarian with a four star editor’s choice review.
Individuals – Buy the DVD for $9.95
For personal use
Libraries – Buy the DVD for $39.99
For library use only
Universities – Buy the DVD $124.99
Includes public screenings

“Inspiring in its message of hope amid horrific conditions.”
— East Bay News, RI
“Much like the Academy Award-winning Born Into Brothels, Hummingbird is an eye-opening experience.”
— Will Gartside, Core Weekly
“Offering a ‘real’ life counterpart to ‘reel’ life Brazilian features such as Pixote and City of God, this bargain-priced exposé is highly recommended.”
“The value of a film such as Hummingbird is that it makes the viewer care about the street kids and the women who are trying to help them – with any luck,this kind of compassion will help fuel a future generation of engaged anthropologists.”
— review from Visual Anthropology Volume 21 – Elizabeth Cartwright
“Hummingbird educates viewers by showing them how these programs not only denounce the violence that surrounds them, but strive to eradicate it at the source… Much like the Academy Award-winning Born Into Brothels, Hummingbird is an eye-opening experience.”
— Will Gartside, Core Weekly
“…a guiding light for a hopeful future, the truly hard hitting footage comes from Mosher taking to the streets and documenting exactly why these groups are important… Mosher drops us right into the middle of the doom and gloom of these peoples lives. First, you’re scared to death and then your heart just snaps in half.”
— 4 STAR review from FilmThreat by Eric Campos